Here, dimensions matter.
I cannot understand all the charges for the air cargo.
A: Please be aware of the cargo size, length, depth, height, weight, volume. The price depends on the actual weight as well as the exact cargo dimensions.
Please fill the form for a free quote for your air cargo shipment.
What all are the documents required to ship cargo abroad?
Depends upon type of Commodity
For personnel effects, Passport-Visa and Flight ticket are mandatory; while for commercial it require different type of documents.
What are the modes of payment for transportation?
Libra Worldwide accepts all types of Debit/Credit cards, Internet banking, Cash, Cheque and accounts.
What if my goods get damaged in transit?
We pack the goods with best available packing material and proper care is taken at every required point. However, if something goes wrong, it is mandatory to have transit insurance in place to protect your goods whether it is national move or you shipping it. International cargo liability laws are complex enough and in several situations exporters can become liable for losses to other exporter’s cargo under the general average rule.
What is Dangerous cargo and Prohibited items?
Human remains or ashes, Loose precious stones, Animals (including birds, fish, insects, larvae, pupae etc), Arm & ammunition, Explosives, Weapons, Cash "like" negotiable instruments, Chemicals and drugs that are banned by the Govt. etc.
How to send a Pet abroad?
Arrange necessary veterinary health examinations of the pet.
Get quarantine approval from Govt. bodies.
After this, prepare documents from customs clearance and for Airline use.
Please fill the inquiry form inContact Us page or Call 40-65 888 000 for any of your Relocation/Moving/Shipping requirements.